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As South Dakota’s farmers know, many factors go into raising successful crops. SDSU Extension’s team works to boost farmers’ yields and profits by providing access to research-based information, resources and local agronomic information.

Collaborating with South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station at SDSU throughout the growing season, our team showcases local data collected from test plots in a field near you.

Featured Resources

sun rising over South Dakota field

South Dakota Pest Management Guides

The South Dakota Pest Management guides are now available for free. The guides offer recommendations for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases in a variety of South Dakota crops.

man holding a small pile of soil in his hands

Fertilizer Recommendation Guide

SDSU Extension fertilizer recommendations are based on field research in South Dakota and neighboring states.

corn field with sunrise in the background

Best Management Practices for Corn Production

iGrow Corn is your unbiased, research-based guide to corn production, providing the latest recommendations to help increase yield, reduce input costs and protect your investment.

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Upcoming Events

Red and green price trendline chart.
Feb 18

Climate and Business Management Crop Hour

February 18-20: SDSU Extension experts and guests will discuss weathering the extremes in climate, markets, crop insurance and provide Farm Bill updates this week on Crop Hour.

Thick clusters of plant roots spread beneath the soil surface.
Feb 25

Regenerative Agriculture Crop Hour

February 25-27: On the final week of Crop Hour, SDSU Extension experts will be covering regenerative agriculture. Regen is circular!

tar spot on a corn leaf
Mar 07

Tar Spot in the Northern Great Plains: History, Management and Experiences

SDSU Extension will host an educational webinar covering Tar Spot in the Northern Great Plains on March 7, 2025, from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.