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About 4-H

4‑H is a Community

SDSU Extension 4‑H is a community that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Kids complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult mentors and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Kids experience 4‑H through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4‑H camps. We recognize that the youth of today are our future leaders and what they learn and experience in 4-H will help them develop into contributing citizens who will give back to their communities in the future.

South Dakota 4-H History

Members of the Minnehaha County 4-H club group photo in front of a building. May 3, 1930 Sioux Falls, SD

The 4-H program grew out of the need to help young people and their families receive better agricultural education. The Morrill Act of 1862 established the land grant college system, which lead to South Dakota State College in 1881. Land grant universities looked for ways to share research with the public and found youth to be an ideal audience. Through Tomato Clubs and Corn Clubs, youth were able to participate in hands-on activities as a way to learn about agriculture.

These clubs, referred to as 4-H clubs by 1912, led to agriculture and home management clubs for youth across America. In South Dakota, Minnehaha County resident William Mair organized the earliest South Dakota Boys Club, with the first meeting happening in 1906 or 1907.

The Smith-Lever Act in 1914 created the Cooperative Extension System, tasking the land-grant universities in each state to get the university to the people. By 1924, the name “4-H” and the clover were officially adopted. Over time, 4-H has evolved to include both urban and rural youth and has expanded beyond agriculture.

Today, 4-H in South Dakota teaches life skills and leadership to youth in the four program priorities of Agriculture, Science, Health and Wellness and Leadership.

4-H Operations

Map of 4-H regions in South Dakota

The South Dakota 4-H program is embedded at the county level, strengthening youth outreach and connections in communities throughout the state. An operations team of regional youth educators supports county 4-H professionals. Regional youth educators assist with conflict mediation, government relations and policy support. They also work alongside county 4-H professionals to plan regional events and coordinate the scheduling of open/shared county events, which can be found under upcoming events. These nearby opportunities allow youth to enjoy activities of interest beyond their county borders.

Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

To support the opportunities presented by a growing 4-H system, 4-H Regional Operations launched on December 16, 2024.

The three main benefits include improved human resource and organizational support to county 4-H offices, enhanced operational effectiveness and consistency across the 4-H system, and co-development and expansion of meaningful, nearby youth programs.

Regina Bakley serves the West Region. Kyle Beach serves the Central Region. Hilary Kroupa serves the South Region. Julia Thaden serves the North Region. To learn which region your county is located within, please see the map located above.

For clientele, the first point of contact for most 4-H questions and inquiries remains the county 4-H office. During periods of county staff vacancy or sometimes for a special government relations need, contacting the Regional Youth Educator becomes more appropriate.

Look immediately below, in the section titled “Upcoming Events.”

Upcoming Events

4-H youth showing beef steers
Jan 12

Youth Livestock Literacy - Determining Livestock Temperament @ Moody County

Moody County 4-H will host a Determining Livestock Temperament Youth Livestock Literacy event for any interested youth on Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Rifle target
Jan 11

4-H Shooting Sports Coaches Training - Archery, Pistol, Rifle @ Jones County

SDSU Extension will host a 4-H Shooting Sports Coaches Training on Saturday, January 11 beginning at 8:30 a.m. CST at the Mickelson Community Center (304 E 4th St., Murdo, SD 57559).

Three numbered targets in a rifle range.
Jan 25

4-H Shooting Sports Coaches Training - Archery, Pistol, Rifle @ Pennington County

SDSU Extension will host a 4-H Shooting Sports Coaches Training for the archery, pistol, and rifle disciplines on Saturday, January 25 beginning at 8:30 a.m.. MT at the Walter Taylor 4-H Building (601 Centre St, Rapid City, SD 57701).