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a patch of green, weedy flowers with white petals and a yellow center

Invasive Garden Plants: Is That a Weed?

While we generally consider invasive plants like crabgrass, dandelions, and purslane as weeds, just about any plant can be considered a weed when it's in the wrong location.

Brown snailcase bagworm cases on the white underside of a jar lid.

Snailcase Bagworms in South Dakota

A unique insect that has been observed in South Dakota is the snailcase bagworm. Snailcase bagworms are wingless moths that spend their entire life in spiral-shaped “snail” cases, which they build around themselves using a combination of silk, soil particles and fecal matter.

two cucumbers. the one on the top is larger and has begun yellowing. the bottom is smaller and is a crisp green color.

Harvesting Cucumbers

Cucumbers fresh from the garden are a summer treat! Harvesting them frequently not only helps keep the plant producing new fruit, but it also helps ensure that you are picking them at their optimal flavor and tenderness.

Left: Large green leaves of hosta have white and yellow discoloration on the outside edge of the leaves. Right: A green pepper with a tan spot that appears mushy.

Leaf Scorch and Sunscald in the Garden

Long stretches of hot, dry weather will upset the growing habits of all plants and will lead to some unusual symptoms on leaves and produce in the garden. July and August are a prime time to watch for leaf scorch and sunscald.

plant with herbicide damaged leaves

Herbicide Damage to Fruits and Vegetables

Each year in early summer, many growers begin to notice distorted leaves on their fruits, vegetables, and crops. Most commonly the cause is a herbicide application to a nearby field.

Herbaceous perennials growing in a garden.

How to Plant Potted Perennials in the Garden

Herbaceous perennial plants have long been the mainstay of most gardens. Whether you are starting a new perennial garden or adding a few plants to an existing garden, planning and proper planting techniques are key.

Faded cosmo flower being deadheaded with a pair of graden shears.

Enjoy More Flowers in Your Garden by Deadheading Regularly

Deadheading is a simple activity that removes the faded or spent blooms from plants to encourage more flowers. While almost all annuals benefit from deadheading, there are also a few perennials that will bloom for a second or even third time if deadheaded.

Brown insect with two pincher like appendages at the end of its body.

Earwigs Are Active

Although earwigs typically prefer wet conditions, quite a few have been observed so far this year. It’s important to remember that watering lawns or potted plants around the house provides ideal earwig habitat.

Brown caterpillar with 3 pale stripes running the length of its body. The head is tan.

Bronzed Cutworms Are Active

Bronzed cutworms can damage turf by clipping blades of grass close to the soil surface. Feeding by bronzed cutworms in lawns will result in small, brown circular patches, and large populations can result in extensive lawn injury.

Garden plant surrounded by a layer of wood chip mulch.

Organic Garden Mulches To Conserve Moisture and Prevent Weeds

If you want to reduce time spent in your vegetable and flower gardens watering or pulling weeds, consider mulching the soil surface with an organic material to improve plant health and your enjoyment of the garden.