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A group of raised ground beds with crops growing in them at McCrory Gardens in Brookings, South Dakota.

Garden Hour

Make the most of your garden and landscaping with weekly insights and ideas from our team of experts.

a flooded yard and garden. Photo by Samir Valeja, FEMA

What to Do About Flood-Damaged Trees

Fact sheet on what to do about flood-damaged trees

Rows of empty white, plastic pesticide containers.

2024 Pesticide Container Recycling

The South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources is again offering pesticide container recycling services across the state. View a complete list of 2024 dates and locations.

A flooded garden

Flooded Gardens

Soil from gardens that were recently flooded may not be safe for growing fruit and vegetables this summer. Depending on the location, flood waters may contain contaminants or disease-causing organisms.

Woodland Phlox and Dame’s Rocket.

Plant Look-Alikes: What’s the Difference Between Phlox and Dame’s Rocket?

Distinguishing between native phlox flowers and the invasive dame's rocket can be challenging due to their similar appearances. Learn some key characteristics that can help you tell dame's rocket apart before it invades your property.

Left: Fireweed growing in a clearing. Right: Purple loosestrife growing in a meadow.

Plant Look-Alikes: What’s the Difference Between Fireweed and Purple Loosestrife?

Fireweed and purple loosestrife are often confused with one another due to their similar appearances, but the two plants have dramatically different impacts on the environment. Learn some key characteristics to help tell them apart.

Rose leaves with dark black to purplish spots throughout.

Black Spot Disease in Roses

Black spot is a recurring fungal disease in roses that will decrease the vigor and blooms of rose plants if it is not managed. Learn some expert tips for identifying and managing it in your gardens.

tall trees in the Black Hills

Tree Pest Alert

From seasonal issues and timely recommendations to disease diagnosis and expert advice, the Tree Pest Alert is a trusted resource for selecting, planting and caring for trees and shrubs all year round.

Numerous grayish-brown bugs gathering on a green stem.

Wet Spring Brings Surge of False Chinch Bugs

Within the past week, large populations of false chinch bugs have been reported across western South Dakota. In high numbers, these pests can pose a threat to Brassica plants.

Small black fly on pale skin.

Monitor Livestock, Pets and Yourself for Eye Gnat Activity

While being outside this week, I noticed a lot of small gnats flying around my legs and really bothering my dogs. I caught a few and identified them as eye gnats. Although this pest is considered a nuisance in most cases, it is capable of transmitting diseases and pathogens.