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Pick it, Try it, Like it for Food Preservation

Originally written by Kimberly Cripps,  former SDSU Extension Family & Community Health Field Specialist, with contributions by Megan Erickson, former SDSU Extension Nutrition Field Specialist, Hope Kleine, former SDSU Extension Health Education Field Specialist, and Claudia Botzet, former SDSU Extension Nutrition Field Specialist​​​​​​.

Whether you can, dehydrate or freeze, preserving food is a great way to enjoy fruits and vegetables year-round. 

The Preserve it lessons include:

  • Tips and tricks for selecting, preparing, and preserving homegrown or locally purchased fruits and vegetables.
  • Evidence-based canning, freezing and dehydrating methods and recipes.
  • An Additional Resources file (at the bottom of the page) includes educational resources and safety recommendations.