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4-H Public Presentations Project

male youth giving a how-to demonstration

Do you like to share interesting information with your friends? Maybe you enjoy talking about your interests and talents. If so, these are forms of public presenting! Presenting in front of others is one of the greatest, most important skills to learn and master. It can be scary, but with practice and tips learned through 4-H, you’ll be a pro in no time!

In the public presentations project area, you will be able to provide information through: public speaking, demonstrating, illustrating a topic, or explaining ‘why’.

Ages and Stages of Youth Development


Beginners can start by thinking about their favorite hobby or interest and telling friends and family about it, as well as develop and present a demonstration or illustrated talk.


Juniors should be a little more comfortable speaking in front of others. Practice using less notes, work on a public speech where visual aids are minimal, and record your presentation to determine your speaking strengths and weaknesses.


A senior public presenter should be able to give a presentation with little to no notes. Deliver a presentation in the “Project Why” area, present to a community group organization, complete public speech with not visual aids.

4-H Programming Priorities


A key component of good leadership is your ability to speak and present to others. Take it a step further and promote project areas in 4-H through speaking.

Health & Wellness

Promote health & wellness with a demonstration or speech on healthy habits, good food choices, or the importance of physical activity.


Research and present a science topic to educate your audience, demonstrations and illustrated talks are excellent opportunities for this.


Use your presentation skills to provide facts about an agriculture issue or topic or speak about your personal experiences on the farm or ranch.

Get Involved

two green conversation bubbles

Youth Voice

  • Develop self-confidence through public presentations
  • Practice self-expression an creativity
  • Learn how to organize and present information
3 green outlines of hands

Community Service

  • Teach a new skill to younger students in your school
  • Present a topic at a meeting to address a community need
  • Promote 4-H to others
green puzzle pieces

Career Connections

  • Education and teaching
  • Business
  • Journalism and communications
  • Drama and theatre

Exhibit Ideas

  • Public presentations consist of 4 project areas: Illustrated talk, demonstration, public speaking, and "Project Why"
  • Present favorite project area or hobby
  • Challenge yourself to research and present a topic you don’t know much about

Learning Resources