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Caterpillars Active in South Dakota Corn Fields

Updated August 12, 2020

Adam Varenhorst

Associate Professor & SDSU Extension Field Crop Entomologist

Both European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) are active in corn fields. Sometimes the caterpillar activity and identity of these two species can be confused. Corn earworm caterpillars will be easier to observe due to their presence on developing ears. There have already been a few reports of corn earworm caterpillars infesting the ears of sweet corn.

What’s the Difference Between These Species?

Left: Straight line of evenly spaced small holes in the corn leaf. Right: Small white caterpillar with dark head capsule feeding within a corn stalk.
Figure 1. A) Shot hole injury on a corn leaf after European corn borer caterpillar feeding. Courtesy: Frank Peairs, B) European corn borer caterpillar feeding within a corn stalk. Courtesy: John C. French Sr.,

European Corn Borer

During their lifecycle, European corn borer moths lay their eggs on the underside of corn leaves. When the caterpillars hatch, they initially feed on the leaf and then journey into the whorl. Initial feeding, called window-pane injury, will often appear as if the epidermis of the leaf has been stripped away.

As the caterpillars mature and feed in the whorl, they leave behind the characteristic shot-hole injury (Figure 1-A). However, these caterpillars don’t stop in the whorl, but will continue down the whorl and bore into the stalk itself (Figure 1-B).

Tan caterpillar with dark brown head on corn stalk.
Figure 2. European corn borer caterpillar. Note the dark brown head capsule. Courtesy: Frank Peairs, Colorado State University,

In addition, European corn borer caterpillars have a dark brown head capsule with a light brown or tan body (Figure 2). Small brown circle markings can often be observed on each segment of their body.

These caterpillars can be observed on the leaves when they are recently hatched and occasionally in the whorl. However, they are almost always found within the corn stalk where they feed and reduce stalk integrity. The feeding often results in lodging and weakened shanks (i.e., when ears are present during feeding).

Black caterpillar with light stripes and yellow-brown head capsule. Caterpillar also has small spines on body segments.
Figure 3. Corn earworm caterpillar. Courtesy: Clemson University-USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series,

Corn Earworm

The corn earworm caterpillars are highly variable in color, ranging from yellow, green, pink, or black. They will almost always have alternating light and dark stripes on their body and small spines (sometimes they look like hairs) across the surface of their bodies.

With the exception of newly hatched corn earworm caterpillars, they will always have a yellow to brown head capsule (Figure 3). Table 1 compares the key identifying characteristics between these two species.

Left: Green corn plant with ragged holes in its leaves. Right: Green caterpillar with yellow head feeding on yellow corn kernels.
Figure 4. A) Corn earworm caterpillar defoliation. Courtesy: Clemson University-USDA Cooperative Extension Slide Series, B) Corn earworm caterpillar feeding on developing kernels. Courtesy: R. L. Croissant,

During the first generation, corn earworm caterpillars feed in the corn whorls or on nearby leaves. This feeding often results in somewhat irregular shaped holes with jagged lines (Figure 4-A).

Second generation caterpillars feed on corn silks, and eventually bore into the ear through the silk channel to the ear tip where they feed on developing kernels (Figure 4-B).

Table 1. Characteristics of European corn borer and corn earworm caterpillars.


European Corn Borer

Corn Earworm

Head Capsule

Dark brown

Tan, yellow

Body Color

Tan, relatively smooth

Wide range but with stripes, and spines

Primary Feeding Location

Inside stalk

1st generation whorl; 2nd generation developing ears


Management of either of these pests can be difficult as the European corn borers move into the stalks and the corn earworms tunnel under the shucks. Foliar insecticides can be applied but should occur before the caterpillars have moved into the plant and are actively feeding on the leaves. In areas with high ECB/earworm pressure, Bt varieties can be considered for future years.

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