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Cindy Schnabel

SDSU Extension Horticulture Assistant

Also by Cindy Schnabel

Close-up of a grass lawn during drought

Lawn Care During a Drought

Maintaining a lawn during a drought takes a bit more care than usual. Learn some helpful tips to keep turf healthy during the worst periods of any extended dry spell.

Several Hosta shoots ready for division.

Dividing Perennials in the Fall

Dividing overcrowded perennial plants in your landscape can help ensure a long and healthy plant life. Learn which plants benefit from fall division and view a step-by-step guide for getting started!

Glory of the Snow, Daffodil, and Allium blooming in three gardens.

Bulbs to Plant in the Fall

Fall is the time to plant cold-hardy bulbs in South Dakota gardens. This will ensure that your landscape will have a variety of color, size, and bloom types the following season.