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A hand writing on a financial document with a pen.

Keeping Your Financial Records Secure

When a family emergency or disaster occurs, having quick access to important financial documents is essential.

snow plow clearing a highway

Are you ready for winter? ¿Està listo para el invierno?

The first winter experience can be a challenge if you don’t know what is ahead, except for that there will be snow and cold. Some simple tips will help you survive the snow, ice and low temperatures.

A sprawling sorghum field ready for harvest

Sorghum Trial Results

In 2023, sorghum trials were conducted in 2 locations in South Dakota.

Installing weather stripping around a window.

Save Money by Winterizing Your Home

Fall is the perfect time to begin preparing your home for colder winter temperatures and the higher energy costs that come with them. Learn some expert tips for preparing your home today!

SUV driving on a snow and tree lined road

Winter Car Kits

Prepare a winter car kit to keep yourself safe when traveling during the winter.

Fireproof file safe with important documents inside.

Prepare Your Finances for Emergencies

Preparing your financial records preemptively can help your family stay safe and prepared when disaster strikes. Learn some expert tips for getting started today!

wheat field

Spring Wheat Variety Trial Results

The 2023 spring wheat reports include data from 10 locations with regional summaries.


2017-2018 Multi-State Organic Oat Variety Trial Results

The tight production margins currently present in agriculture have increased interest in growing organic oats.

wheat field

Instinct HL and Nitrogen Management Effect on Winter Wheat Yield

Nitrogen (N) additives to control N losses through volatilization, denitrification, and leaching are widely used in the Midwest. Slowing the conversion of nitrogen fertilizers to nitrate may lessen leaching and denitrification losses if precipitation or soil becomes saturated.

neighborhood street flooded with melted snow and water runoff. FEMA News Photo

Flood Insurance

The higher amounts of snow this year will increase the chance of flooding and the potential water damage to homes and residential properties. Now is the time to consider purchasing a flood insurance policy.