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a graphic image showing drought in South Dakota

Water Conservation and Efficiency During Times of Drought

As drought conditions continue to expand across the state this year, more thought is given towards South Dakota’s limited water resources. We live in a state where weather conditions and rain patterns seem to comfortably exist at the extremes; we either have way too much or nearly not enough. While this isn’t always the case, it is important to keep in mind that our water resources are finite and all of us should be thinking about doing what we can to protect them.

Dry, winter rangeland with minimal snow cover.

Can You Break the Hydro-illogical Cycle?

Regardless of the time of year, it is critical to start thinking about the next drought before we are in it. Learn some key strategies for breaking the Hydro-Illogical Cycle by leveraging drought motioning resources and creating a plan for your operation.

A herd of cattle grazing near a pond on an open range.

Nitrates and Livestock Water Quality

Nitrate poisoning is something we think about with forages such as millet, oats, corn, sorghum, sudan, kochia and others that have been fertilized or if there is a drought, but water can also be a contributing factor.

A stock pond with noticable blue-green algae bloom throughout.

Blue-Green Algae and Livestock

With warmer temperatures, the conditions are right for blue-green algae blooms. Different species of blue-green algae contain various toxins, which can poison livestock, resulting in rapid death.

Three bees on a wooden box.

Backyard Biodiversity: Nest boxes for native bees

Many of our native bee species are solitary. In order to ensure that these kinds of bees spend more time in our yards and gardens, it is important to make sure we include places for them to nest.

bunches of Aronia berries still on a bush

Soil Testing for Vineyards in South Dakota

Not all soils are conducive to growing quality grapes, so prospective vineyard sites should be tested before a decision is made to plant grapes. Tests can identify soils that are either too high in pH, salts, or salinity, or that are “too rich” (too high in organic matter and nitrogen) for grapes. In addition, testing before planting allows for the incorporation of nutrients—such as phosphorus—that do not move easily through the soil to plant roots.

A hand writing on a financial document with a pen.

Keeping Your Financial Records Secure

When a family emergency or disaster occurs, having quick access to important financial documents is essential.

Installing weather stripping around a window.

Save Money by Winterizing Your Home

Fall is the perfect time to begin preparing your home for colder winter temperatures and the higher energy costs that come with them. Learn some expert tips for preparing your home today!

SUV driving on a snow and tree lined road

Winter Car Kits

Prepare a winter car kit to keep yourself safe when traveling during the winter.

Fireproof file safe with important documents inside.

Prepare Your Finances for Emergencies

Preparing your financial records preemptively can help your family stay safe and prepared when disaster strikes. Learn some expert tips for getting started today!