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two black beetles rolling a ball of dung

An identification guide to common Dung Beetles of South Dakota

A guide of common dung beetles of South Dakota.

Left: Soil from long-term no-till field, exhibiting good soil aggregation through clumping and smaller pieces of soil. Right: Soil from conventionally managed field that included tillage and crop residue removal. Notice the soil is lighter brown, indicating lower organic matter, and the pieces of soil are in larger chunks with no visible indication of clumping or structure.

Organic Agronomy Starting to Impact

For decades scientists have known that a handful of soil contained more micro-biological organisms than the number of humans on earth. Science is just beginning to discover these organisms and learn about their functions and contribution to their soil ecosystem.

a field with plots of soybeans

SDSU Extension’s Soybean Week Dives into Pest Management, Soil Health and 2021 Outlook

January 07, 2021

Want to know more about weed control, research, planting dates, and fungicide? Join us on January 19 - 22.

man holding a small pile of soil in his hands

An Introduction to Salt-Impacted Soils in South Dakota

Introduction of salt-impacted soils in South Dakota for landowners.

a map of North America showing precipitation probability

Drought Conditions Continue to Deteriorate Across South Dakota

April 06, 2021

South Dakotans’ apprehension of an impending drought has been growing.

filed of sunflowers in bloom

2021 South Dakota Pest Management Guides Now Available

February 04, 2021

SDSU Extension has released the 2021 South Dakota Pest Management Guides.

A picture of a lawn showing a ring of dark green grass in the middle of the lawn due to fungi in the soil.

Fairy Rings in Lawns

Seeing greener grass in circular pattern in your lawn? This is not due to uneven fertilizer application, but rather due to a fungi feeding on decomposing matter and releasing nitrogen in the affected areas.

Young corn emerging in a no-till field.

Estimating Corn Emergence With Growing Degree Days: Data from May 7, 2021

With corn planting well underway in South Dakota, the next step is monitoring its emergence. One of the factors that can speed up or delay corn emergence is air temperature.

Wheat tillers with lower leaves covered with tan-brown lesions. The ground beneath has wheat stubble from previous wheat crop.

Scout for Tan Spot in Winter Wheat

Tan spot was observed in a few winter wheat fields scouted recently. It is important to scout winter wheat for tan spot and other early diseases developing before deciding to apply an early-season fungicide tank mixed with herbicide.

Color-coded map of South Dakota’s plant hardiness zones.

2023 USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

Winter and spring are a great time for planning new garden and landscape designs. Learn how recent updates to the USDA Plant Hardiness Zones may have South Dakota gardeners feeling extra adventurous when selecting new plants for their gardens this season!