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A herd of cattle grazing near a pond on an open range.

Nitrates and Livestock Water Quality

Nitrate poisoning is something we think about with forages such as millet, oats, corn, sorghum, sudan, kochia and others that have been fertilized or if there is a drought, but water can also be a contributing factor.

A stock pond with noticable blue-green algae bloom throughout.

Blue-Green Algae and Livestock

With warmer temperatures, the conditions are right for blue-green algae blooms. Different species of blue-green algae contain various toxins, which can poison livestock, resulting in rapid death.

A wheat field at sunset.

Water Use by Plant Stage

Over the growing season, solar radiation, air temperature and plant size are the dominant factors in determining evaporative demand and the rate of water use by wheat. Water use can vary dramatically on a day-to day basis, depending on climate and wheat health.

A table set demonstrating healthy portions sizes of fruits, grains, vegetables, protein, and dairy.

Portion Size: What It Means

Bigger is better, right? No, not necessarily, especially when discussing portions of your food.

Frozen vegetable aisle at a grocery store.

Fresh May Not Always Be Best

To have a healthy diet all year long, consider all options (fresh, frozen, and canned) when it comes to eating fruits and vegetables.

A plate of spaghetti with meat sauce and two slices of garlic bread.

One Pot Meals

One pot meals are a simplified method for preparing comfort foods. They are dishes that are easy to make and easy to clean up.

various meals packed in ziplock bags and stored in a freezer

Preparing Freezer Meals

With a little planning and meal preparation, you can have some healthful meals on hand for time crunches and drop in guests.

Canned vegetables on a grocery store shelf.

Shelf-Stable Foods Save Money and Help Families Stay Prepared

Many people may find themselves feeling worried or concerned about having enough food in their homes. One way to help with these worries and concerns is to purchase canned or dried foods also known as shelf-stable items.

small water channel next to green grass

Saturated Buffer for South Dakota

Saturated buffer fact sheet for producers, tile drainage contractors, conservation professionals, other ag professionals.