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Small flock of sheep grazing in a pasture.

Multispecies Grazing: Benefits of Sheep Integration on Rangelands

Fact sheet about diversifying your operation to benefit your rangeland.

Variety of Animal-based protein sources.

High-Quality and Affordable Protein Options

Protein is an essential part of the human diet and can come from many sources. Learn about some diverse protein options to build resiliency when certain proteins are experiencing shortages or increased costs.

A bee pollinating a flower.

Pollinators Party

In this lesson, participants will learn how plants reproduce and how to identify pollinators that help plants.

fruit and vegetable garden with raised beds

Managing Salts in the Home Garden

Fact sheet about managing salts in your home garden.

fruit and vegetable garden with raised beds

Salt/Salinity Tolerance of Common Horticulture Crops in South Dakota

Fact sheet about salt/salinity tolerance of common horticulture crops.

Teardrop shaped tick with a dark brown body and legs and an elongate white patch behind its head.

Ticks Becoming Active in South Dakota

The arrival of spring in South Dakota means warmer weather and more outdoor activities. However, it also brings an increase in tick activity.

Two adult wasps side-by-side. The left is black and yellow and is resting on a green leaf. The right is black, yellow and burnt orange in color and is resting on a piece of wood.

Wasp Activity Is Ramping Up

With their distinctive black and yellow stripes and tendency to hang out in groups, wasps receive attention no matter the time of year. As the weather warms up and spring progresses, you may notice more wasp activity in your yard or around your house.

Two insects. The left is a wasp with a dark head, reddish brown thorax (the segment behind the head), and a black and yellow banded abdomen. The right is a hornet with a yellow head, dark brown thorax (the segment behind the head), and a brown and yellow banded abdomen.

No, It’s Not a Murder Hornet.

By now, you’ve probably read headlines about the Asian giant hornets (aka “murder hornets”) that were spotted in Washington state and across the border in Canada. It is important to note that Asian giant hornets have only been confirmed in a small area of Washington and Canada. These wasps have not been observed in South Dakota or our neighboring states.

Black insect with a white spot on the back and orange tipped legs and antennae.

A fly? A hornet? Nope, it’s a sawfly!

This spring, there have been multiple reports of people seeing large fly-like insects in their yards. These insects are sawflies, and all reports thus far have been the elm sawfly (Cimbex americana).

Three canning jars filled with cucumber slices.

Safe Canning Recipes

One of the most common errors in home canning is not using a scientifically tested recipe. Canning a family recipe is risky as it can cause spoilage and foodborne illness.