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Color-coded map of the United States indicating predicted precipitation for July 2019. South Dakota is set to experience above normal precipitation.

July 2019 Climate Outlook: Challenges Continue

This year’s seasonal pattern of wetter than average conditions is projected to continue through July and the rest of the summer season. The latest climate outlook, released June 20, 2019, shows an increased chance of wetter than average conditions in the next one to three months for the state of South Dakota.

green tractor next to a machine shed with farm equipment inside it

Overproducing us Out of Business

There seems to be a misconception nowadays in much of the public that in order for agriculture to be sustainable in the future, there is a need to go organic. Organic agriculture can be sustainable, but so can traditional agriculture.

food thermometer being callibrated in oven

How to Calibrate a Meat Thermometer

A properly calibrated meat thermometer is key for achieving both meat safety and quality.

small group of cattle grazing on cover crops

Cover Crops & Livestock Integration: A Profit Opportunity for S.D. Farms

Cover crops have been gaining a reemerging acceptance over the last decade, with very few producers disagreeing about the potential soil health benefits of adding cover crops to their farming operation.

people shopping at a farmer's market

Requirements for Food Entrepreneurs Selling Food in South Dakota

Throughout the country and in the state of South Dakota, people are showing more interest in selling their own food products and starting their own business

spare rib with a bbq rub applied

Tips for Making a BBQ Rub

A rub is simply a blend of herbs, peppers, spices or seasonings that are blended to add flavor by coating the surface of meat.

two black beetles rolling a ball of dung

Promoting Dung Beetles on the Range

In South Dakota, dung beetles help regulate rangeland health through dung dispersal.

a mother and daughter putting labels on home-canned food products. Photo by Stephen Ausmus, USDA

Labeling of Prepared and Processed Foods in South Dakota

Labeling requirements vary in accordance with the type of food that is being sold and in several instances how or where it was prepared or processed.

healthy, well-mainted rangeland with ample ground cover

Natural Resources: The Ranch Foundation During Drought

Just as every factory needs a sturdy and healthy foundation to be sustainable, a ranch manager must keep a watchful eye on the natural resources of the ranch during drought.

A pair of hands kneading a hydrated dough inside a plastic mixing bowl.

Hydrated Doughs and Batters: How to Safely Handle Food Safety Risks

Making dough and batter is one of the intermediary steps on your way to enjoying great foods, such as scones, cookies, cakes, donuts, pies and more. This article will help you understand the food safety risks associated with food types that have a hydrated batter.