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aerial view of South Dakota farm and surrounding land

Barley Variety Trial Results

In 2019, Barley trial was planted at one location in South Dakota.

Black and red feedlot cattle eat corn silage from a feed bunk in South Dakota.

Frequently Asked Questions - Forage Nitrate Toxicity in Ruminant Livestock

A fact sheet to address frequently asked questions about forage nitrate toxicity in ruminant livestock.

Two white, newborn lambs under a red heat lamp in a barn.

Sheep Facilities and Moisture

Fact sheet for keeping a barn comfortable and dry to increase lamb survival.

snow plow clearing a highway

Are you ready for winter? ¿Està listo para el invierno?

The first winter experience can be a challenge if you don’t know what is ahead, except for that there will be snow and cold. Some simple tips will help you survive the snow, ice and low temperatures.

A sprawling sorghum field ready for harvest

Sorghum Trial Results

In 2023, sorghum trials were conducted in 2 locations in South Dakota.

Five jars of canned stewed tomatoes sitting on a gray kitchen towel with a gray background.

Canning on Smooth Stovetop

Learn about the Dos and Don'ts of canning on a smooth stovetop.

wheat field

Spring Wheat Variety Trial Results

The 2023 spring wheat reports include data from 10 locations with regional summaries.

A sprawling green field of field pea plantings

Field Pea Variety Trial Results

In 2023, field pea trials were planted at different locations in South Dakota.

A woman safely placing a can of salsa into a water bath canner.

A Guide To Water Bath Canning

Water bath canners have fitted lids and removable wire racks. While they come in many sizes, the canner must be deep enough to allow a minimum of 1-2 inches of briskly boiling water that covers the top of jars during processing.

dial on a pressure canner

A Guide To Pressure Canning

Pressure canners may have a weighted-gauge or dial-gauge, for indicating and regulating the pressure during processing.