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Green soybean plant with white mold present on the stem and pod.

Start of Flowering Is the Ideal Time for White Mold Management in Soybeans

Some early planted soybeans are starting to flower (R1 growth stage). One soybean disease that needs to be managed at this growth stage is white mold.

Two photos of oat plants exhibiting fusarium root and crown rot. Left: An oat tiller with pinkish color on the crown and first node indicative of Fusarium root and crown rot. Right: Green oat plant with yellow, dry markings throughout indicative of Fusarium root and crown rot.

Fusarium Crown and Root Rot Observed in Oats

Some oat fields are showing plants wilting with tillers dying prematurely and heads looking bleached. Inspecting the crown and sub-crown area reveals the discoloration and rotting and sometimes a pinkish color can be observed. These are typical symptoms of Fusarium root and crown rot.

Mosquito with darker coloration and mosquito with white band on proboscis.

Know Your West Nile Virus Vectors

In some areas of South Dakota, recent precipitation has led to an increase in mosquito activity. To reduce the chances of contracting West Nile Virus, it is important to understand the behavior of the mosquitos capable of vectoring it.

A mostly green corn leaf that is in brown to yellow markings caused by southern rust.

Is a Fungicide Applied at Tasseling Profitable in Corn?

Corn is currently at tasseling/silking across the state. This is usually the growth stage when a fungicide is applied to control fungal diseases.

soybean pods

2019 Soybean Fungicide Field Trials Summary

This document contains results of soybean field trials conducted during the 2019 growing season to evaluate foliar fungicides to manage various soybean diseases.

Spring wheat emerging from a field of corn stubble.

Planting Spring Wheat Into Corn or Milo Residue: Considerations for Scab

Due to current grain prices and other reasons, growers may be considering planting spring wheat into fields that were planted to corn or milo last season. While this type of crop rotation is not generally recommended, economic and logistical challenges sometimes may dictate otherwise.

wheat field

2019 Wheat Field Plot Trials Summary: Fungal and Bacterial Disease Trials

This publication provides a summary of wheat trials conducted in 2019 to determine efficacy of various products in managing wheat diseases.

An alfalfa field with noticeable dead patches due to winter kill.

Dealing With Alfalfa Winter Kill

Winter kill and general stand loss of alfalfa has specifically been of concern in many parts of South Dakota the last two years. Most observed alfalfa winter kill is due to low, wet or flooded areas where plants were suffocated and died over the winter.

A red sprayer in a green field with a cloudy sky in the background.

How to Stop Drift

The goals of applying any crop protection products include: increasing effectiveness, mitigating drift, and maximizing profits. We will focus on mitigating drift, even though all three interact with each other.

Wheat plants exhibiting symptoms of tan spot and powdery mildew.

Does Early Fungicide at Tillering Result in a Profitable Yield?

Tan spot and powdery mildew pathogens are two residue-borne pathogens that can infect wheat early in the season. These diseases can lead to poor tillering, and their continued development can lead to yield loss.