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tall trees in the Black Hills

Tree Pest Alert

From seasonal issues and timely recommendations to disease diagnosis and expert advice, the Tree Pest Alert is a trusted resource for selecting, planting and caring for trees and shrubs all year round.

A woman safely placing a can of salsa into a water bath canner.

A Guide To Water Bath Canning

Water bath canners have fitted lids and removable wire racks. While they come in many sizes, the canner must be deep enough to allow a minimum of 1-2 inches of briskly boiling water that covers the top of jars during processing.

dial on a pressure canner

A Guide To Pressure Canning

Pressure canners may have a weighted-gauge or dial-gauge, for indicating and regulating the pressure during processing.

Hand holding a TDS meter in a water container.

Interpretation of Water Analysis for Livestock Suitability

Fact sheet to help decipher both the results of a “quick test” and laboratory analysis for livestock suitability.

a herd of brown and black cows in a field of green grass

Feed Nutrient Comparison Calculator

This comparison calculator is designed to assist producers with supplemental feed purchasing decisions for their operation.

sun rising over South Dakota field

South Dakota Pest Management Guides

The South Dakota Pest Management guides are now available for free. The guides offer recommendations for controlling weeds, insects, and diseases in a variety of South Dakota crops.

Canada thistle growing in a pasture.

Noxious and Pasture Weed Plot Data Report

Data books to use as a reference to select appropriate herbicide(s) for noxious and pasture weed

Yellow wheat field with green weeds throughout.

Weed Control Field Test Data

Data books to use as a reference to select appropriate herbicide(s) for row crops

grass with field bindweed, a viny green weed with white flowers

Weed Control: Noxious Weeds

Noxious Weed Recommendations: Herbicides for pasture, range, and non-crop areas, including roadside and other right-of-way that may be harvested for hay or grazed, are given a priority.

small group of sheep standing in a pasture

Managing Sheep Body Condition Score Throughout the Year

This fact sheet and barn reference are for sheep producers to implement body condition scoring in their management practices.