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aerial view of a flooded farm in late winter. FEMA News Photo

Inundaciones: sugerencias útiles

La primavera en el Medio Oeste siempre trae el riesgo de inundaciones, sea por la nieve que se derrite o por lluvia en exceso.

A crate filled with fresh vegetables.

Blossom End Rot on Tomatoes and Other Vegetables

Publication about the symptoms, causes and management of blossom end rot on tomatoes and other vegetables.

A flock of white sheep grazing in a small pasture.

Sheep Breeds

Everyone has heard the fairytale “Baa Baa Black Sheep Have You Any Wool?” but what about the double-coated California Red, the multi-colored Katahdin sheep with hair, or the East Friesian dairy ewe that produces over 1,100 pounds of milk a year? Sheep come in different shapes, sizes, and colors and all of them provide different functions and uses for producers. These can range from meat, wool, and milk production or a combination of characteristics.

Chalkboard with the words “Lactose Intolerance” written on it next to a glass of milk.

Eat Confidently With Lactose Intolerance

February is Lactose Intolerance Awareness Month, a time to clear up confusion about the condition and return to confidently eating the dairy foods you love!

Silhouette of worker drinking water in extreme heat.

Heat Exhaustion & Heat Stroke: Protecting Your Operation

During periods of extreme heat, operations must take additional steps to protect their employees from heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

variety of breakfast foods on a table

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from constant indigestion or experience symptoms such as heartburn? When this occurs frequently it may be more known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

corn field with sunrise in the background

2018 Field Plot Summaries for Corn: Fungicide Trials

This document contains results of corn field trials conducted during the 2018 growing season to evaluate foliar fungicides to manage various corn diseases.


2018 Field Plot Summaries for Oat and Sorghum Foliar Disease Management Trials

An oat crown rust integrated management trial and a sorghum foliar fungicide trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of fungicides to manage crown rust and fungal diseases in oat and sorghum respectively. Crown rust is one of the most devastating diseases of oat in the state. Stragego fungicide was applied at three different timings to determine the most effective timing for crown rust management. For sorghum, the study investigated the efficacy of two different rates of Nexicor for managing sorghum foliar diseases. The oat field experiment was maintained at Northeast Research Farm (NERF), Southeast research farm (SERF) and Volga research farm. The sorghum experiment was at Volga.

soybean pods

2018 Field Plot Summaries for Soybeans: Plant Disease and Fungicide Trials

This is a summary of soybean field research studies that were conducted in 2018. The purpose of these studies was to assess efficacies of fungicides for foliar disease management and nematicides/seed treatment products for nematode management. The studies were conducted on growers’ land in Brookings and Volga Research Farm.

collection of emergency food and supplies in a raised cabinet

Food Safety: During & After Flooding

In the event of flooding, having a plan in place for food safety is beneficial. Knowing how to determine if food is safe and how to keep food safe will help reduce the potential for food waste and reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Here are some tips to keeping your food safe.