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a field with plots of soybeans

SDSU Extension’s Soybean Week Dives into Pest Management, Soil Health and 2021 Outlook

January 07, 2021

Want to know more about weed control, research, planting dates, and fungicide? Join us on January 19 - 22.

man holding a small pile of soil in his hands

An Introduction to Salt-Impacted Soils in South Dakota

Introduction of salt-impacted soils in South Dakota for landowners.

green plant growing in a field with small grains growing on the ends

Proso Millet Trial Results

In 2020, proso millet trials were conducted in 1 location in South Dakota.

a map of North America showing precipitation probability

Drought Conditions Continue to Deteriorate Across South Dakota

April 06, 2021

South Dakotans’ apprehension of an impending drought has been growing.

filed of sunflowers in bloom

2021 South Dakota Pest Management Guides Now Available

February 04, 2021

SDSU Extension has released the 2021 South Dakota Pest Management Guides.

a woman and a man checking a wheat field

SDSU Extension to host Wheat Walks in June

May 13, 2021

The 2021 Wheat Walks are slated for June 2 and 3 and will be held near Pierre, Clark and Mount Vernon.

Young corn seedlings emerging from a spring field.

Watch Closely for Weed Emergence

Cool, dry conditions have slowed weed emergence and growth, but dry conditions also have limited the activation of preemergent chemicals. Given this scenario, fields need to be scouted closely to ensure that weeds do not get away.

Two rows of corn at V5 leaf growth stage looking down from above. Between the corn rows there are 3 separate cotton strips placed on the soil surface just before burial in a 2-inch-deep trench. The cotton strips are numbered for their identification after recovery at three different dates.

Cotton Strip Soil Test: Rapid Assessment of Soil Microbial Activity and Diversity in the Field

Soil has always been considered as a living system due to its biological components: fungi, bacteria and plant roots. Under several ongoing research projects, we started researching how we can use ‘cotton strip assay’ to compare different cover crop mixes to optimize field soil activity and build up better soil health.

Earthworms on the soil surface inside a white hard-plastic ring, after mustard-vinegar solution was drained down through the soil profile forcing earthworms out onto the surface in order to be counted.

How’s Life in the Soil? Ask (Count) the Earthworms.

Earthworms are ‘very special’ creatures on earth, and their contribution in soil nutrient cycling and fertility management has been acknowledged from the beginning of agriculture. So, the question needs to be asked, how can we help improve earthworm populations?

Young producers sampling produce outside a field with a young mother and her daughter.

Discussing Food and Agriculture in South Dakota: A Guide for Community Leaders

Food production and farming are issues that operate at the complex pivot point of where ecology and nature meet the marketplace and political systems. The way agriculturalists and communities handle their resources, both individually, and collectively, depends on their collective vision for the future.