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Two producers moving cattle out of a shelter.

Biosecurity for Beef Cow-Calf Operations: Managing the Entry of New Animals

Infectious disease can impact cow-calf operations in dramatic ways. These steps should be considered the minimum standards for introducing new animals into cow-calf operations to avoid the spread of infectious disease.

Fence line along a broad, open pasture.

Lameness in Cattle: Causes Associated With Injury

Most cattle in pastures and feedlots are exposed to multiple potential causes of injury. Learn some of the injury-related causes of lameness in cattle, starting with the foot and working our way up.

Cow exhibiting lameness symptoms with focus on its right, rear foot.

Lameness in Cattle: Causes Associated With Infections

Infections are among the most-common reasons for lameness in feedlot and adult cattle, and in some cases they can be treated or prevented with more success than other causes of lameness.

Cow receiving veterinary treatment for hoof injury.

Getting to the Bottom of Cattle Lameness Cases: Diagnosis

Making the right decisions about how to deal with a lame animal depends on how accurately the cause of the lameness can be diagnosed and localized.

Injured calf resting in a feedlot with a cast around its leg.

Treating Lameness in Cattle

Successfully treating most cases of cattle lameness usually involves more than a simple injection of antibiotics. Knowing the best intervention for a particular animal starts with a good diagnosis of the problem.

Series of trophies on display at a 4-H contest.

South Dakota 4-H Missed Deadline Agreement

Form for missed deadlines for State 4-H Events

Revegetation of Salt-Impacted Soils in South Dakota

This publication provides suggested native species suitable for the revegetation of salt-impacted soils. The suggested species are listed as native to South Dakota according to the USDA NRCS Plants Database.

Cover crops emerging from a no-till field.

Soil Organic Matter Matters: How Conservation Practices Bring Value to Farmers

Conservation management practices, such as conservation tillage, cover crops, diverse crop rotation and livestock integration, help improve soil health over time and offer producers numerous economic benefits.

Photo showing a wildfire recovery on native rangelands.

Range Roundup: Dormant Season Wildfire Project in Northwestern South Dakota

Two of the main environmental conditions that drive post-wildfire rangeland recovery include health of the rangeland ecosystem prior to the wildfire and climatic variables, such as precipitation or drought after the fire event.

Cooked slices of bacon on a slate with fresh herbs.

Don't Go Bacon My Heart

How much do most consumers really know about bacon? Let’s explore some bacon basics to help you understand this delicious product.