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a herd of brown and black cows in a field of green grass

Feed Nutrient Comparison Calculator

This comparison calculator is designed to assist producers with supplemental feed purchasing decisions for their operation.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Risk Calculator

The Risk Calculator is designed to combine crop insurance, government programs, and marketing tools together for a crop.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis

Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis is designed to formulate financial ratios and data, utilizing information provided by the producer.

Group of black cattle at a feed bunk.

Beef Cattle Budgets

What does it cost to maintain a cow for the year? This is a common question asked by producers across the nation.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Crop Budgets

Crop Budgets helps producers to determine the preliminary cost of production for the major commodities grown in South Dakota.

Rows of bottled juice on display at a farmers market.

Selling Juice in South Dakota

Understanding the regulations for selling juice in the state of South Dakota can be difficult to navigate. This article was developed to address some of the questions around juice at retail as well as selling juice at a Farmer’s Market and to also ensure that seller’s may be well informed to ensure they are selling juice that meets regulatory requirements as well ensuring the product is safe.

a livestock business owner reviewing a folder with his employee. Courtesy: USDA

Four Steps to Clear Communication

Communication is the single most important element in any workplace. Consider these steps to aid in communication success.

group of co-workers reviewing business planners and calendars.

Five Tips on Time Management

Learning and implementing good time management into your daily routine will give you more freedom to do the things you really want to do and feel like you have accomplished your role with more control and satisfaction.

A collage of farmers from different time periods sharing information.

Effecting Change Towards Economic Growth

During 2018 the main driver for South Dakota's economic growth continued to be agriculture. It is still the number one industry, with almost $20 billion in impact yearly. In today’s uncertain economic environment, two things can help farmers succeed: information and knowledge.

inside a licensed fish hatchery

Selling Fish at a Farmers Market in South Dakota

This article was developed to address some of the questions around selling fish at the farmer’s market and to ensure that seller’s may be well-informed to ensure they are selling fish that meet regulatory requirements as well ensuring the product is safe.