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a herd of brown and black cows in a field of green grass

Feed Nutrient Comparison Calculator

This comparison calculator is designed to assist producers with supplemental feed purchasing decisions for their operation.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Risk Calculator

The Risk Calculator is designed to combine crop insurance, government programs, and marketing tools together for a crop.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis

Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis is designed to formulate financial ratios and data, utilizing information provided by the producer.

Group of black cattle at a feed bunk.

Beef Cattle Budgets

What does it cost to maintain a cow for the year? This is a common question asked by producers across the nation.

stack of coins with faded chart lines showing in the foreground

Crop Budgets

Crop Budgets helps producers to determine the preliminary cost of production for the major commodities grown in South Dakota.

Two beef heifers standing in a pasture. One is red, the other black and white.

Replacement Heifer Calculator

Excel decision aid to assist producers decide whether to raise or purchase replacement heifers.

Graduation table display with photos, awards, and keepsakes. Courtesy: Matthew Beckler [CC BY-SA 2.0]

Graduation Presents

With graduation season upon us, consider gifting your high school or college graduate with the necessary medical, financial and legal paperwork they're need for the next stage of their lives.

neighborhood street flooded with melted snow and water runoff. FEMA News Photo

Flood Insurance

The higher amounts of snow this year will increase the chance of flooding and the potential water damage to homes and residential properties. Now is the time to consider purchasing a flood insurance policy.

Sand Bagged home in surrounded by flood water. FEMA News Photo

Managing Flooding Around Home Structures

As South Dakota and our surrounding neighbors begin to deal with the consequences of spring snowmelt and the dramatic flash flooding that came about from the region’s most recent winter storm, we can only hope that conditions begin to improve quickly.

aerial view of a flooded farm in late winter. FEMA News Photo

Inundaciones: sugerencias útiles

La primavera en el Medio Oeste siempre trae el riesgo de inundaciones, sea por la nieve que se derrite o por lluvia en exceso.