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Monarch butterfly collecting pollen on a blazing star plant.

Understanding the Critical Role of Broadleaf Pollinator Plants in Pastures

Understanding the economic role of pollinators is the first step towards understanding their diverse values to grassland and crop systems.

A small group of cattle grazing in a green pasture.

Anaplasmosis: Is it a problem in the Northern Plains?

Cattle producers have been hearing more and more about a disease called anaplasmosis. This disease recently appears to have become more common in areas not previously affected. The disease is typically associated with cattle herds in warmer areas of the country, but is it ever a problem up here on the Northern Plains?

A close shot of a cow's eye. The cow seems to be in pain.

Anthrax: Vaccination Considerations

Anthrax is caused by bacteria, Bacillus anthracis, which has the ability to form very resistant spores in the soil. These spores can remain viable for many years on pasture, and become reactivated when the right environmental conditions exist. Fortunately for cattle producers, losses due to anthrax can be prevented through use of a vaccine that has proven its effectiveness through the years.

A stock pond with noticable blue-green algae bloom throughout.

Blue-Green Algae and Livestock

With warmer temperatures, the conditions are right for blue-green algae blooms. Different species of blue-green algae contain various toxins, which can poison livestock, resulting in rapid death.

Close-up of the feet of a man standing on a bathroom scale with a blue towel lying nearby.

Overweight & Obesity: Leading Cancer Risk Factor

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study that links overweight and obesity to 13 different types of cancers.

An older man with his back to the camera looking over a pond.

Brain Health: The Impact of Chronic Stress

Stress affects everyone. Stress is your body’s response to a real or perceived harmful situation.

Two young males participating in the robotics challenge at the South Dakota State Fair

South Dakota 4-H Robotics & Engineering 2019 Challenge Packet - Recycle Challenge

The South Dakota 4-H Robotics Challenge is an opportunity for youth who have been learning about robotics to demonstrate their learning, celebrate their accomplishments, and interact with others who share an interest in robotics.

A young man sitting at a laptop discussing a project with a 4-H leader.

Youth Research: Where to Begin

Whether working on a science fair project, writing a class report, or just looking for general information on a topic it is a good idea to become familiar with the basic practices of conducting research.

Poster display for research project.

Presenting Scientific Information: Display Boards

For youth participating in scientific discovery, posters and display boards are a very common form of communicating scientific information.

A notebook with a pen sitting on it.

Importance of Good Record Keeping: The Science & Engineering Notebook

Scientists and engineers use special notebooks or journals to make daily logs of what they are doing and what they have learned.