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A brown and black cow standing in a feedlot with flies on its face.

Summer Fly Control in Feedlots

Just as longer days mark the beginning of summer, so does the arrival of increased number of flies in feedlots. Flies are not only are an annoyance, they can reduce performance and worsen heat stress. Successful control strategies start with sanitation.

A series of three creep feeders placed on an open range. Courtesy: Robin Webster (CC BY-SA 2.0)

Creep Feeding Options: Will it Pay?

Creep-feeding should be evaluated on yearly basis to determine if it will provide production and economic benefits to the operation.

Green soybean plant with white mold present on the stem and pod.

Start of Flowering Is the Ideal Time for White Mold Management in Soybeans

Some early planted soybeans are starting to flower (R1 growth stage). One soybean disease that needs to be managed at this growth stage is white mold.

Two photos of oat plants exhibiting fusarium root and crown rot. Left: An oat tiller with pinkish color on the crown and first node indicative of Fusarium root and crown rot. Right: Green oat plant with yellow, dry markings throughout indicative of Fusarium root and crown rot.

Fusarium Crown and Root Rot Observed in Oats

Some oat fields are showing plants wilting with tillers dying prematurely and heads looking bleached. Inspecting the crown and sub-crown area reveals the discoloration and rotting and sometimes a pinkish color can be observed. These are typical symptoms of Fusarium root and crown rot.

A patty of dung with several holes in it and grass growing through it. It has been broken down by dung beetles.

Dung Beetles and Other Insects Can Help Breakdown Dung and Control Pests

This article summarizes findings related to dung beetle ecology and how dung beetles advance the breakdown of dung pats.

A male and femail dung beetle rolling a ball of dung in a pasture. Courtesy: Beverly Skinner/USFWS (CC BY 2.0)

Managing Livestock for Dung Beetles and Other Beneficial Species

South Dakota researchers have taken a closer look at the function of dung beetles in Eastern South Dakota over the last few years. This article summarizes findings related to management of livestock grazing and chemical pesticides in relation to dung beetle and insect community health.

A mostly green corn leaf that is in brown to yellow markings caused by southern rust.

Is a Fungicide Applied at Tasseling Profitable in Corn?

Corn is currently at tasseling/silking across the state. This is usually the growth stage when a fungicide is applied to control fungal diseases.

Small black fly on pale skin.

Monitor Livestock, Pets and Yourself for Eye Gnat Activity

While being outside this week, I noticed a lot of small gnats flying around my legs and really bothering my dogs. I caught a few and identified them as eye gnats. Although this pest is considered a nuisance in most cases, it is capable of transmitting diseases and pathogens.

soybean pods

2019 Soybean Fungicide Field Trials Summary

This document contains results of soybean field trials conducted during the 2019 growing season to evaluate foliar fungicides to manage various soybean diseases.

Spring wheat emerging from a field of corn stubble.

Planting Spring Wheat Into Corn or Milo Residue: Considerations for Scab

Due to current grain prices and other reasons, growers may be considering planting spring wheat into fields that were planted to corn or milo last season. While this type of crop rotation is not generally recommended, economic and logistical challenges sometimes may dictate otherwise.