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various meals packed in ziplock bags and stored in a freezer

Preparing Freezer Meals

With a little planning and meal preparation, you can have some healthful meals on hand for time crunches and drop in guests.

Canned vegetables on a grocery store shelf.

Shelf-Stable Foods Save Money and Help Families Stay Prepared

Many people may find themselves feeling worried or concerned about having enough food in their homes. One way to help with these worries and concerns is to purchase canned or dried foods also known as shelf-stable items.

Group of children playing rock in fist

Traditional Native American Games: Beat Boredom

Traditional Native American Games might be just the activity you are looking for to bring the whole family together (and cut down on excess screen time)!

A group of farmers and ranchers sitting at a meeting

Communication: Importance of Social Support in Agriculture

Maintaining open communication and seeking social support can help producers get through difficult times.

snow plow clearing a highway

Are you ready for winter? ¿Està listo para el invierno?

The first winter experience can be a challenge if you don’t know what is ahead, except for that there will be snow and cold. Some simple tips will help you survive the snow, ice and low temperatures.

Two young males participating in the robotics challenge at the South Dakota State Fair

South Dakota 4-H Robotics & Engineering 2019 Challenge Packet - Recycle Challenge

The South Dakota 4-H Robotics Challenge is an opportunity for youth who have been learning about robotics to demonstrate their learning, celebrate their accomplishments, and interact with others who share an interest in robotics.

A young man sitting at a laptop discussing a project with a 4-H leader.

Youth Research: Where to Begin

Whether working on a science fair project, writing a class report, or just looking for general information on a topic it is a good idea to become familiar with the basic practices of conducting research.

Poster display for research project.

Presenting Scientific Information: Display Boards

For youth participating in scientific discovery, posters and display boards are a very common form of communicating scientific information.

A notebook with a pen sitting on it.

Importance of Good Record Keeping: The Science & Engineering Notebook

Scientists and engineers use special notebooks or journals to make daily logs of what they are doing and what they have learned.