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rancher observing cattle at a feedbunk

Making Use of “Ugly” Feeds

Feed does not have to be perfect to be useful. The key to making smart feeding decisions is knowing what the imperfections are and adjusting accordingly.

small group of cattle resting near feed bunk

Liver Abscesses: The Unseen Profit Thief

Liver abscesses are a great example of an important value robber in feedlot cattle that’s not immediately apparent.

cattle grazing early spring pasture

Grass Tetany: Now Is the Time To Prepare

Grass tetany is a metabolic disorder associated with grazing lush, rapidly growing pastures. Learn the factors that influence its progression along with tips for preventing and managing it in herds.

two producers in a pasture with a cowherd

Rotational Grazing Benefits: South Dakota Producer Perceptions

To better understand producer perceptions on rotational grazing, we sent out 1,500 surveys to South Dakota ranchers inquiring about adoption status and perceptions of rotational grazing.

small group of cattle grazing on cover crops

Cover Crops & Livestock Integration: A Profit Opportunity for S.D. Farms

Cover crops have been gaining a reemerging acceptance over the last decade, with very few producers disagreeing about the potential soil health benefits of adding cover crops to their farming operation.

grey to brown fly with large eyes and elongated mouthparts

What are Those Gigantic Flies?

As we progress later into the summer, we commonly see an increase in horse fly activity.

black angus cow at pasture

Hot Weather Challenges Beef Cattle

Hot weather conditions create challenges for grazing beef cattle.

corn showing symptoms of drought stress

Using Drought-Stressed Corn as Forage

When drought has compromised tonnage of corn grain, silage producers may still retain part of its feeding value.

a sprawling green plant with flowering yellow heads

Sweet Clover Poisoning

Hay that contains sweet clover can be an excellent feed as long as the dicoumarol level is known and feeding management is used to prevent poisoning.

a sprawling soybean field with a farm in the background

Soybeans & Sunflowers: Alternative Cattle Forages

Alternative forages like soybean silage or hay, and sunflower silage, can help stretch conventional forage supplies and help avoid overgrazing pasture.