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Farm and Ranch Stress

Farm stressors can come from many directions including the agricultural system, farm and family finances, mental and physical health challenges, and relationship difficulties. A healthy response to these challenges involves paying attention to the stressors within all of these areas and determining coping strategies that are useful in each area.

All Farm and Ranch Stress Content

Family walking in an open, country field.

Mental Health

SDSU Extension experts work collaboratively with SDSU faculty and experts from across the region, to implement mental health programming to support agricultural producers as well as other rural South Dakotans.

A father, mother and daughter walking in a field in the countryside.

Talking With Teens and Youth During Challenging Times

Youth are regularly faced with uncertain situations, disappointments and potential mental health challenges. It is important for caring adults in their life to be able to know how to talk to them during these times.

A group of farmers and ranchers sitting at a meeting

Communication: Importance of Social Support in Agriculture

Maintaining open communication and seeking social support can help producers get through difficult times.

A group of ranchers meeting out in the range.

A Five-Step Approach to Alleviating Farm Stress

Farm stressors can come from many directions including the agricultural system, farm and family finances, mental and physical health challenges, and relationship difficulties. A healthy response to these challenges involves paying attention to the stressors within all of these areas and determining coping strategies that are useful in each area.

A family farm with the sun setting in the background.

Recognizing Symptoms of Stress During Farming Challenges

Fact sheet to help recognize symptoms of stress during a farming challenge.

Man holding his wrist, which is afflicted with arthritis.

Arthritis and Agriculture

Did you know arthritis is a leading cause of work disability in U.S. adults? Learn some tips for managing pain and reducing arthritis risk while working in agricultural production.

Silhoutte of mother and daughter holding hands at sunset.

Helping Kids Cope and Understand Family Stressors

South Dakota and many of our neighboring states experience natural disasters and agricultural family stress. While we know this can cause added stress on adults and parents, don’t forget to visit with your children of all ages and help them cope with the added stress and changes in their routine.

A child’s crayon drawing of various pets.

Losing Pets and Talking About Death

As we are dealing with illnesses and diseases running through our animal population, it is important to discuss the loss of a pets with children. Learn some expert tips for starting the conversation.

family gathered around an emergency weather radio

Helping Kids Cope and Understand Disasters/Flooding

South Dakota and many of our neighboring states are experiencing flooding and natural disasters. How children experience traumatic events and how they express their lingering distress depends, in large part, on the children's age and level of development.

Three young farmers walking through a harvested field at sunset.

It’s Okay to Not Be Okay: Farm Stress Assistance in South Dakota

If you are experiencing farm stress or want to help others who are experiencing farm stress, organizations have expanded efforts across South Dakota. Learn about some available resources for seeking assistance.